Meet Dr. McGugan

I am a psychologist. Psychologist in Ontario are PhD level professionals regulated by the College of psychologist of Ontario ( Psychologist can perform the protected acts of diagnosis of mental health conditions and psychotherapy. Work with a psychologist is covered by many extended health insurance policies. The difference between psychologists and other people offering mental health treatment can be confusing.

Read more about the differences between psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists here.

Are we a good match?

Throughout my career I have practiced as a generalist, which has given me exposure to a wide range of reasons why people seek therapy. I have the most experience working with anxiety, depression, burnout and life stress, and the effects of past trauma. I also work regularly with people who experience obsessions and compulsions, body image problems, procrastination, loneliness, and perfectionism. I am probably not the best match for you if your primary reason for seeking services is related to ADHD, addiction, eating disorders, psychosis, or sensory sensitivity, though I have enough understanding to work with people for whom these are secondary issues.


I have a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa (2015). I also have a Masters in clinical psychology from Queen’s University (2007). My education followed the scientist/practitioner model, meaning I received extensive training in both the practice of psychological assessment and treatment and in the scientific method, conducting and evaluating research. This allow me not just to follow treatment manuals but to critically evaluate the theory and scientific evidence behind different treatment methods.

My Ph.D. research focused on what makes adolescent bullying different from other types of aggression. I received the Fredrick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Canadian Institute for Health Research for this work.

My training in psychological assessment and therapy included coursework and practical experience at multiple community and hospital settings. These settings include two local school boards (OCDSB, CDSBEO), the Centre for Psychological Services and Research at the University of Ottawa, the Children’s Aid Society, The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (Youth and Anxiety programs), The Ottawa Hospital (Eating Disorder Program), and Collin’s Bay Institution.

Work Experience

I spent 8 years working at the Ottawa Centre for Cognitive Therapy. I highly value the time I spent at this large, busy clinic, for the experience I gained and the mentorship I received there. At this centre I worked with clients who had specific mental health challenges such as anxiety disorders, depression and other mood disorders, PTSD, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, dissociative disorders and personality disorders. Others client did not meet criteria for a mental health diagnosis, but were seeking therapy for specific issue or stuck point in their lives such as burnout, family relationship concerns, perfectionism or procrastination.

I opened my own psychology practice, McGugan Cognitive Therapy, in September 2023. Currently, I am working on my own as a sole practitioner in an office in Kanata. In person and virtual appointments are available.

I have lived in the Ottawa area since 2007. I am married with elementary school aged children and a yellow lab. I do my best to practice what I preach and live a full life (which includes discomfort - see below).

Personal Mottos

  • Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

    Ian Maclaren

  • Gentleness can only be expected from the strong.

    Leo Buscaglia

  • You only get so many Julys

    My Dad

  • Discomfort is part of a full life
